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'screen' tty special command

Multiple 80x25 Curses SCREEN Command
This is a user / administrator added command for non-X-Windows users
Screen gives the effect of windows when logged on from a PC or VT. Up to ten separate logins and jobs can be started at once and may be selected by the hot key.
 For the screen2 .. the following ..
(from tty) environment
Ctrl_A SPACE to each window then CR to continue, then ALWAYS
Ctrl_A Ctrl_\ to leave cleanly from screen .. see:   man screen
HELP Before starting .. a short crib sheet may help.
Before Using, Consult manual and create a ~/.screenrc file.
Will begin this process. It creates a few windows to sequence between.
Goes down man page to give a command summary
UTC:   PTZ:   YourIP: